How to walk 10,000 steps per day
Published on January 29, 2025

“Get 10,000 steps every day!”
That’s the fitness trend millions of Americans swear by for good health. But it’s daunting. (It’s all those zeroes, isn’t it?) For some, a 10,000 goal feels impossible, while others can’t wait to take on the challenge. Let’s start one step at a time, wherever you find yourself.

Get ready for unexpected benefits!
Walking consistently improves heart health and bone strength, maintains glucose levels, improves sleep, increases focus, and helps an individual maintain a healthy weight. Studies show that walking improves cognitive functioning, lowers inflammation, and boosts self-esteem and confidence.
Don’t just take our word for it. Wellness writer Michelle King tried walking 10K steps for five months. King reached her 10,000 steps by adding three 30-minute walks to her day, one in the morning, one mid-day, and one in the evening.
“Opting for an exercise program that I enjoy and easily fits into my life has had a bigger impact on my health than attending intense workout classes I dreaded,” King wrote. “I feel fitter, happier, and healthier than before starting this challenge.”
Her benefits included reduced anxiety and bloating, more restful sleep, and more consistent good moods.

With work, family, friends, and other obligations, walking for the sake of walking may seem out of reach.
Instead of becoming discouraged, look for subtle ways to incorporate movement. This could be getting those steps in while cleaning the house, even simply taking out the garbage bins.
Lawyer turned stay-at-home mom and Texas blogger Megan from Honey We’re Home found herself doing exactly this while trying to walk 10K steps in 30 days.
“If I didn’t want to get on the treadmill, I would walk around my house tidying up and I could get the rest of my steps in that way,” she said.
Megan chronicled her walking for 30 days via her Instagram stories, which can be viewed here.
For those at the office, consider walking or biking to work. Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car at the far end of the lot.
Once you arrive at work, remember that sitting for extended periods results in fatigue, low morale, and a loss of focus. Make sure you leave your workspace for your breaks or lunch – not only to get those steps in, but also to boost your productivity.
Stuck in meetings all day? Ever considered a walking meeting? Maybe those seemingly unnecessary emails or conversations can be transformed into a walk to help you get that step count! Walking around for 1-2 minutes allows your mind and body a break during the workday, so you can return to that spreadsheet calm and collected.
For those at home or who have kids, family walks are a way to get your steps in while involving everyone in a healthier lifestyle. Going to the park or even around the block with the littlest ones is a way to see an adventure in nature wherever you go. For the older kids, walking together can allow for conversation and reconnection. If you are seeking some alone time, walking can be a little escape, a necessary recharge to love that family of yours well.
If you are on this 10K step journey alone, walk the treadmill while you binge-watch that newest episode of your favorite show. Pop earbuds in to listen to that hour-long podcast you wanted to take in or call a long-distance friend or family member.

Where do I begin?
To get started, grab your sneakers and phone to track your steps. Most phones already have a built-in step counter based on motion. Android users can access the Google Fit app: Under “Steps” inside Settings there is a feature to turn on step-counting. For iPhone users, tap the subcategory “Steps” to get started on the Apple Health app.
There are also pedometer apps downloadable on IOS with free versions such as Pedometer++ and Pacer. With a paid subscription, others – like Pantheon – will create personalized challenges logging your weight loss, heart rate, even the weather – as well as steps.

Not easy, but worth it!
Walking 10K steps a day isn’t just a challenge or another fitness gimmick. It’s a way to be more present to the people around you while prioritizing your health and wellness.
By getting your steps in, you put your best foot forward in all aspects of your life!