5 simple ways to make your husband smile in 2025
Published on January 19, 2025

Look, I’m the last guy on earth who would mansplain anything to my wife.
But sometimes when you want to make a special man in your life happy, it helps to… well, ask him.
As a dude celebrating 10 years of happy marriage this year, I have a little experience under my belt when it comes to the little things that make or break me each day. Over the years, my lovely wife has (sometimes unexpectedly) brightened my days more than I can say with her small, thoughtful gestures.
If you’re looking for a guy’s perspective on the little things that mean a lot to husbands, here’s a husband’s advice.

1. Cook his favorite meal
I’m a simple man. Chances are, so is your husband.
Cooking a meal he loves shows thoughtfulness and care, especially if it’s a dish he doesn’t often get to enjoy. Surprise him with an old favorite or try recreating something special from your early days together. Add a personal touch by setting the table with his favorite color scheme or plating the food in a restaurant-style presentation. This simple act communicates love through effort and creativity.
“They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” — Acts 2:46
Date-night challenge! Plan a candlelit dinner at home, complete with music he loves, and serve the meal as a surprise.

2. Send him a handwritten love note
Remember your mom’s notes in your lunchbox? I do.
In a world dominated by texts and emails, a handwritten note can be incredibly meaningful and a way that you — and only you — reach out to him. Write about why you love him, specific traits you admire, or recount a fond memory. Tuck the note into his bag, wallet, or on his dashboard to surprise him. This gesture shows that you’re thinking about him even during the busiest of days.
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” — Proverbs 3:3
Date-Night Challenge! Spend an evening writing notes to each other and read them out loud over dessert.

3. Give him uninterrupted time to relax
Staying with the “simple man” theme, just like you, sometimes we need to clear out our brain space.
Life can be hectic, and your husband may need a moment to recharge. Create space for him to enjoy his hobbies or relax without interruptions. This could mean taking the kids out for a while or setting up a cozy spot where he can unwind with a good book or game.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28
Date-Night Challenge! Plan a visit to a quiet church (for Catholics, try silent adoration!) where you can sit quietly together for an hour.

4. Share a compliment in front of others
Sometimes guys can get overwhelmed by the “toxic masculinity” narratives in popular culture. It’s demoralizing.
Praising your husband publicly, whether at a family dinner or a social gathering, boosts his confidence and shows him that you’re proud to be his spouse in front of loved ones, business partners, or acquaintances. Compliments about his work ethic, parenting, or character can make a lasting impact far beyond the evening. Not only that, he will think that you are “tuned in” with him enough to notice his sacrifices. Every man loves an observant wife!
“Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Date-Night Challenge! Plan a trivia night where you create questions about each other’s strengths and memories.

5. Plan a surprise outing
If you make the plan, it’s twice as fun!
Take the lead in planning a fun or adventurous day for the two of you. Whether it’s a hike, a visit to a new café, or tickets to a game or concert he loves, the key is to surprise him with an activity that aligns with his interests. He will appreciate that you took the initiative to suggest an outing — and will even add it to his repertoire of favorite places to bring you back to!
“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” — Proverbs 17:22
Date-Night Challenge! End the outing by getting takeout from a local (not chain!) restaurant neither of you have tried before.
I come from poverty but have lived a blessed life. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for just over 60 years. I love her dearly, yet I have once in these 60 years (+ dating years before) to hear her say once “Congratulations.” or “I’m proud of you.” I’m not an athletic person, but I have competed 3 full marathon runs, been trapped under a large raft and nearly drowned, got stuck in an unlit cave, climbed up to 22,600 ft on the Lhotse face of Mt Everest, survived getting hit by a massive avalanche, made numerous medical discoveries that have led to affected people living longer and better, been elected to numerous important positions from the local to the national church level, and we are now living a very comfortable retirement. I long to have her look at me with that loving look only a devoted woman can give, and hear her say “I’m so proud of you.” It would melt my heart.
Feeling under-appreciated really wears on you. Maybe find a way to communicate this to her, that it hurts to not feel like she sees you? And do you praise her for things? Maybe show her this article? Just thinking out loud.
You’ve obviously lived a very accomplished life and the Lord sees you and all of it!
These suggestions have really made me think as a wife & I need to step up my game too!
I try to give her a simple compliment every day. “You’re pretty.” and compliment her cooking almost every day (almost – there are those meals that are ‘different’). I do my share, or more, around the house and property. She doesn’t compliment others, either. She just seems oblivious to what others around her are doing.
She never learned it from the start. Know that the Lord loves it! It looks like you have been faithful from the start, persevere. I can’t help but feel like the Blessed Mother thinks it about you all the time even more so because your earthly love doesn’t.
It sounds like your “love languages” may be different. You compliment her daily because it is what YOU would love to hear. Perhaps there is another way to express your love that she is longing to receive as much you are longing for those words of affirmation? Have you read “the Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman or seen his website?
Hi Bob,
I just read your thoughts. It really sounds like she never learned or was taught about respect, love, giving compliments, etc….Just like Josee said. I really think you both need to sit down & TALK. I know it sounds redundant, but don’t talk about the weather, movies, etc…Talk about your feelings & listen to her feelings.
You are a very accomplished person, she deserves to stand proud next to you. I wish you both much luck!
I hear you. My hubby never says those words to me. But he starts my car in the morning so its warmed up when its time to leave. He shovels our walk making sure its safe for me to walk on. He never complains when I do not feel like cooking and eats a sandwich or cereal. I could go on. He just has different ways of showing he cherishes me!
Bob, thank you for having the courage to write this. I am convicted. I need to and will do better. I will start with, “I was reading this piece online today and it got mr thinking…” Maybe this could be an opener for you too?
It sounds like her love language is not “words of affirmation,” but yours is! It probably never occurs to her that you need to hear these things–but you really do need that. I hope you can have a gentle conversation about this, and that she can see your need for her to show love and appreciation for you in a new way. She probably won’t understand why you need this, but she should be able to work on it! Praying for you both. I bet your story is not unusual, and it’s been tugging at my heart.
Sorry to hear it Bob. I won’t give you advice, but full-on props for doing some cool things that require strength and bravery. What’s sad is that not only will praising you make you feel more appreciated but your wife will feel better affirming others. It’s never too late to try.
Great reminders, but missing something…. intimacy in the way only married people are intimate? Or is my husband the only one?
Time is love! Great reminders! Communicate and make his tummy happy and his ears ring with lovely comments!